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Greenhouse Gases
Carbon dioxide
Nitrous oxide

Climate Change
Global warming
Human Influence
GHG Politics
UNFCCC and Kyoto

Climate Change News

ice 11th April Permafrost Peril
Sarah Chadburn and colleagues at the University of Leeds, UK, have examined the risk to permaforst soils ofclimate warming. They estimate that with 2 degrees of warming the area could decrease by 40 percent.

wave 13th April Sea Level Signals
John Church and colleagues at CSIRO in Australia have identified greenhouse gas-induced warming, rather than natural variability, as the key driver of global sea level rise since the 1970s

soils 13th April Climate Smart Soils
Keith Paustian of Cornell University, and colleagues in the UK, have highlighted the hue potential for climate change mitigation through improved management of the world's soils.

sky 2nd November Budget Breaker
The United Nations have warned that current national plans for emissions reductions submitted in adavnce of the Paris climate conference are insufficient to prevent over 2 degrees of warming.


Selected Papers

Reay et al.
Spring-time for Sinks

van Wijk et al.
Ecosystem and plant responses to climate change in Alaska and Sweden

Fraser and Hoffman
Climate change, ecosystem links and predation

Mall et al.
Mitigating climate change impact on soybean production in India

Publications Archive
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